Best pix of 2005
I stopped by The Booksmith tonight to look into a book I'm
interested in reading call 'The Orientalist'. At $29.95, it's
a little too expensive for me right now..but I'll
get it eventually.
While I was there i saw that Time magazine has a best
photographs of 2005 edition.
I decided to do a best of 2005 of my own photographs.
I had a great year. I quit my job. I finished my BA.
I went to Iran, and then took a tour of Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam,
and Paris with Annalisa.
Spent some time in NYC and Ohio after I decided to accept
a job offer in Tripoli, Libya that in the end, didn't come to fruition.
En route, I also got to spend some time in Istanbul.
So, here's my year in pictures.
Now I'm back in San Franisco, and loving every minute of it.
Every minute of desperately looking for work and an apartment.
But I don't even care. It's all good.

California Coast, January 2005

Ocean Beach, Sunset

Boat Builders, Bandar Lenj, Islamic Republic of Iran

Girls, Bandar Bushere, Islamic Republic of Iran

Melody and Poppies, Islamic Republic of Iran

Horses Gone Wild, Vienna

Trees, Berlin

Bike, Amsterdam

Palais de Tokyo, Paris

Thriller, San Francisco

Ms. Swinger, Oakland

Swinger, Oakland

Men, New York, New York

Times Square, New York

Sly Fox, New York

Keith and Rufus, San Francisco

Hello/Goodbye, San Francisco

Whirling Dervishes, Istanbul

Blue Mosque Sunset, Istanbul
I love the bikes, sorry your trip didn't work out. Still had a bit of an adventure, eh?
If you get antsy you can always
Come to Austin!
love you!
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