Meditations on Love
Tonight, I decided to stay in my sweet little apartment
to take a bath, to listen to music, and to spend some
time with a man that close to my heart; the poet of love
Hafez. Hafez and I have have convened around the idea
of paradox this evening. He was reminding me of the
nature of all relationships, and the sense of paradox that
embraces them all. We may struggle to see them as good
or bad, black or white, but no relationship ever complies with
these simple descriptions. He we must trust love, live with
compassion, but also be smart and use the highest human intellegence
guide ourselves through this world. It's what I love about
Hafez, his vision of life is a complete picture; and while this
outlook may make things more difficult in the moment,
in the long run we can know that we've done our best
to see things and people as they really are.
So, I'll share a little more of my most favorite poet of love.
Love of self, of God, of friends, lovers, the sun and the moon.
The Warrior
The warriors tame
The beasts in their past
So that the night's hoofs
Can no longer break the jeweled vision
In the heart.
The intellegent and the brave
Open every closet in the future and evict
All the minds ghosts who have the bad habit
of barfing everywhere.
For a long time the Universe
Has be germinating in your spine
But only a saint has the talent
The courage to slay
The past giants, the future anxieties.
The warrior
Wisely sits in a circle
With other men
Gathering the strength to unmask
Sits, giving,
Like a great illumined planet on
Where does the real poetry
Come from?
From the amorous sighs
In the moist dark when making love
With form or Spirit
Where does poetry live?
In the eye that says "Wow wee,"
In the overpowering felt splendor
Every sane mind knows
When it realizes-our life dance
Is only for a few magic
From the heart saying,
"I am so damn
All the images of winter
I see against your sky.
I understand the wounds
That have not healed in you.
They exist
Because God and love
Have not become real enough
To allow you to forgive
The dream.
You still listen to an old alley song
That brings your body pain;
Now chain your ears
To His pacing drum and flute.
Fix your eyes upon
The magnificent arch of His brow.
The supports
And allows this universe to expand.
Your hands, feet, and heart are wise
and want to know the warmth
Of a Perfect Ones' cirlce.
A true saint
Is an earth in eternal spring.
Inside the veins of a petal
On a blooming redbud tree
Are hidden worlds
Where Hafez sometimes
I will spread
A Persian carpet there
Woven with light.
We can drink wine
From a gourd I hollowed
And dried on the roof of my house.
I will bring bread I have kneaded
That containes my own
Divine genes.
And cheese from a calf i raised.
My love for your master is such
You can just lean back
And I will feed you
This Truth:
Your wounds of love can only heal
When you can forgive
This dream.
Christine - I found this blog on my long, scrolling list of my favorite things, and it rings true this morning. Should you ever happen to re-read this page: You are so beautiful! Thank you for the poetry. Love, Candace
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