On the Road to Find Out

A crazy lady keeps you up to date on her sometime wild, sometimes mild adventures.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My New Year's Resolution

I'm thinking about the coming new year, and
how I'm going to put my life back together.
I've always loved this song by Edith Piaf.
I've used it for inspiration over the years when I'm feeling
down because it think it's very empowering.
When I was in Istanbul, I kept hearing
this song over and over again. In a cafe, in a store,
in the street, Edith was keeping me strong, telling
me not to sink into depression or defeat because
things aren't working out as planned, or because
it became apparent that i wouldn't be getting
what i wanted. Now that I'm back, I should continue to
keep this idea close to my heart. (Literally, for better
or worse, I live and die by my heart! Logic be damned!)
My desire this year is not to "get" anything, but to act with integrity
within the situations that come into my life. Because it's
not only about getting what you want...i say that simply because
sometimes you just don't get what or who you want, even when
you deserve it/worked hard for it/went out on a limb for it.
But how you handle yourself in defeat/disappointment
is what's really reflective of who you are as a person,
and how far you'll take yourself in a world that has
no obligation to be cooperative with your desires.
So, this is my ode to 2006.
Whatever happens, I think it's going to be a good year.

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu'on M'a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M'est Bien Egal
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
C'est Paye, Balaye, Oublie, Je Me Fous Du Passe

Avec Mes Souvenirs J'ai Allume Le Feu
Mes Shagrins, Mes Plaisirs,
Je N'ai Plus Besoin D'eux
Balaye Les Amours Avec Leurs Tremolos
Balaye Pour Toujours
Je Reparas A Zero

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu'on M'a Fait, Ni Le Mal
Tout Ca M'est Bien Egal
Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Car Ma Vie, Car Me Joies
Aujourd'hui Ca Commence Avec Toi

And now in English...or the english version of
the very beatiful French version.

No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things
That went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the grief doesn't last
It is gone
I've forgotten the past

And the memories I had
I no longer desire
Both the good and the bad
I have flung in a fire
And I feel in my heart
That the seed has been sown
It is something quite new
It's like nothing I've known

No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things that went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the seed that is new
It's the love that is growing for you